Friday, September 21, 2012

Do you Know What Can Keep You Awake at Night?

There are several things you may be doing that will keep you awake at night.  Here are five:

Caffeine - do not consume caffeine 8 hours before bedtime
Stress - Tiffs immediately before bedtime will take its toll
Excitement - Physical activities & a whirling mind will not allow relaxation
Mental Stimulation - Video games & electrifying movies keep you from winding down
Sugary Foods - Sugar rush within 2 or 3 hours of bedtime will keep you awake

Sleep is within your control.  You can easily avoid caffeine, video games and sugary foods before bedtime.  Make a habit of relaxing before you turn in.  Don't concentrate on the work ahead or uncompleted tasks of the day.  Make sleep a priority in your life

10 Quick Ways to Help your Insomnia

You can overcome your sleepless nights!

Take a moment and read this HealthCare9 article.  Make sleep a priority in your life 


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get Quality Sleep by Starting with Your Feet

Do you have trouble falling asleep?

Warm milk doesn't work? Counting sheep? Herbal Teas or crackers don't either? Here are three off-the-wall sleep tips that might just work for you.

Massage Your Feet
Spas and massage therapists have know for centuries pampering your feet relieves stress and promotes relaxation.  Have your significant other massage your feet before bed until they are warm and tingly.  You can do it yourself but it much more effective with help. A hot water foot bath can be relaxing and rejuvenating too.

Curl and Uncurl your Toes
Sounds strange I know. But, it works for some people. Try it for a few weeks - slowly curl and uncurl your toes for 30 seconds to a minute.  Repeat.  Don't over do it just enough to get relaxed.

You can train yourself, just like Pavlov's dog, to associate this relaxing action with sleep. After ten days or a few weeks you will associate this activity with sleep.

Rub Your Belly
Start with your belly button and rub in bigger and bigger circles. Do it once clockwise and once counter-clockwise. Try larger circles and then smaller circles. Do it for several minutes. It works for puppies, why would it work for you?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do you know What Keeps Your Insomnia From Getting Better?

Do you know the 8 Biggest Sleep Stealers?

Stress, Sugar & Caffeine, a tiff before bed, trying to do too much during the day/evening, working too late at night, bedroom temp too warm, alcohol, and Irregular sleep patterns.

Check out this netdoctor article for a better understanding of this issues.

What keep you awake at night?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Airline Pilot Secret for Sleeping in Noisy Places - White Noise Machines


Pilot's Favorite Travel Accessory - White Noise Machines

"My secret to sleeping well in noisy places - I never go on a trip without my white noise machine."

"I spent $ 80 for mine about 12 years ago and have slept better thousands of nights because of it. That’s made it a pretty good investment."

"...(the) travel accessory that I would miss the most if I didn't have it along... is my white noise machine."

Source: Pilot Paul's Travel Accessories Blog 


Friday, August 17, 2012

How to Succeed in School


"A good night’s sleep is important to a child’s success in school.

Dr. Burg says lack of sleep can cause decreased attention span, sleeping in class, reduced reaction time and all of that can lead to lower grades.

Dr Burg recommends grade school children should get between 10 and 11 hours of sleep each night. Those in middle and high school need between 9 and 10 hours."

Source: KMAland

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How much sleep do you need? ( It's more than you think )


Thomas Edison thought it was waste of time. Margaret Thatcher once famously said that it was “for wimps.”

Some lucky people can get by on only four to six hours of shut-eye a night. We hate to break it to you, but you're probably not one of them. Here, the truth about how much sleep you really need — and what can happen if you don't get it.

Read the article from

How much sleep do you average each night?